Tuesday 27 August 2013

Interview to be broadcast on KCFM 99.8 today!

Local campaigner calls on Government to improve rights of preschool workers

Tuesday, August 27th 2013 08:45
A Qualified Early Years Professional from East Yorkshire is calling on the Education Minister, Liz Truss, to improve the rights of pre-school workers.
Julie Dervey is campaigning for the workers to receive the same status and salary as teachers, which they had previously been promised.
She told KCFM that she had written to Ms Truss about the issue, and was not satisfied with the response:
"When we signed up for this, it was the gold standard for early years children- we were told we were going to be the equivalent of QTS teachers in primary schools.
"The difference has turned out to be that we won't get paid the same money.
"Liz Truss suggested that we might like to pay for our own training if we insist that we want to get QTS qualifications in order to access the pay rate. 
"It's going to cost us more money, and most of us EYPs aren't earning enough."
She added that hundreds of people have already shown their support for the campaign:
"I've had support from around the world because this affects loads of people- not just Early Years Professionals, but the families of the children engaged in these schools at the moment."

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I listened. Well, of course I had to listen to myself.
    I think I was much more coherent and succinct during this interview so hopefully I might have encouraged more people to sign up to the petition.
    KCFM also added clips from the interview into their news bulletins.
    Many thanks to them.


Please let me know what you think about this Blog and if you have any ideas to support the campaign.
Thank you.