Tuesday 31 March 2015

Long time - no post

Well, I finally have something constructive to say about my professional situation.

With effect from September 2015, I shall be returning to the University of Hull as a Student Teacher (salaried) to achieve Early Years QTS. I have passed the necessary QTS Professional Skills Tests in Literacy & Numeracy. The course will last from September through to June 2015 and is being funded by the Riding Forward Schools Alliance. I shall be placed with the setting that has employed me for the past 15 years.

After all this time, I may finally achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and hopefully become a fully qualified and permanently employed teacher - Although there is no guarantee that I will be automatically offered employment upon achieving QTS, I vow to do everything in my power to finally achieve this goal. At 52 years of age (I turn 52 this May), I am certainly no spring chicken and I will be another year older by the time I achieve QTS but I remain hopeful that my years of experience at the 'coal face' will stand me in good stead.

I have to say that I had thought that I had left my degree too late to be of any use and that my ship had sailed on by but fate has a funny way of catching up with me!

Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!!!