Tuesday 31 March 2015

Long time - no post

Well, I finally have something constructive to say about my professional situation.

With effect from September 2015, I shall be returning to the University of Hull as a Student Teacher (salaried) to achieve Early Years QTS. I have passed the necessary QTS Professional Skills Tests in Literacy & Numeracy. The course will last from September through to June 2015 and is being funded by the Riding Forward Schools Alliance. I shall be placed with the setting that has employed me for the past 15 years.

After all this time, I may finally achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and hopefully become a fully qualified and permanently employed teacher - Although there is no guarantee that I will be automatically offered employment upon achieving QTS, I vow to do everything in my power to finally achieve this goal. At 52 years of age (I turn 52 this May), I am certainly no spring chicken and I will be another year older by the time I achieve QTS but I remain hopeful that my years of experience at the 'coal face' will stand me in good stead.

I have to say that I had thought that I had left my degree too late to be of any use and that my ship had sailed on by but fate has a funny way of catching up with me!

Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!!!


  1. Good for you! I completed EYPS August 2013 just before it changed to EYTS and have been thoroughly disheartened by its worthlessness. I am passionate about Early Years and have a degree, PGCE (further education) and EYPS, I too need QTS, I am also looking into starting a SCITT programme this September but need to pass GCSE Science, so many hoops to jump through!

  2. We are about to encounter the effects of the 2015 General Election which will likely bring many changes again to the expectations placed on Early Years providers and personnel. Who knows what that will mean for you and I but I hope and pray that all our hard work and commitment eventually pays off.

    Whatever happens, please be certain that I for one will always be proud of your dedication to the well-being of the pre-schoolers you work with.


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